วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Ultimate Chicken Horse

***ONLINE IS STILL IN BETA!!!*** Expect some bugs in the online mode! We're updating it regularly and it's getting there, but if you think you'll be frustrated by some bugs, feel free to wait a bit while we fix it and perfect it. Thanks for your interest and support.*** 

Ever wish you were a wall-jumping, arrow-dodging, trap-setting horse, besting your animal pals in a race through a peril-laden obstacle course that you all built together? 

Wish Granted! 

ระบบปฏิบัติการ: Windows XP or better 
DirectX: เวอร์ชัน 9.0c

*UPDATE ล่าสุด v0.5.25 22/05/2016*




Ultimate Chicken Horse Steam Fix

Ultimate Chicken Horse LAN Fix



Host a game Tunngle

0) Download Ultimate Chicken Horse LAN Fix and Copy the folders/files inside the FIX folder, in the same path with the game.
1) Start Tunngle as Administrator and enter in appropriate room.
2) Start the game with “SmartSteamLoader.exe” as Administrator.
3) In the main menu click “Start” → “Play Online” → “Host Game” → Send to your friend/s Your Tunngle IP → Wait friends to join.
4) Enjoy the game.

Join a game Tunngle

1) Start Tunngle and enter in appropriate room.
2) Start the with “SmartSteamLoader.exe” as Administrator.
3) In the main menu click “Start” → “Play Online” → “Manual Connection” → Write your Friend’s Tunngle IP.
4) Enjoy the game.

Host a game Steam

0) Download Ultimate Chicken Horse Steam Fix and Copy the folders/files inside the FIX folder, in the same path with the game.
1) Start Steam as Administrator and login.
2) Start the game with “UltimateChickenHorse.exe” as Administrator.
3) In the main menu click “Start” → “Play Online” → “Host Game” → Select “Privacy: Invite Only” → Choose Character → Invite your friend/s from STEAM CHAT → Wait friends to join.
4) Enjoy the game.

Join a game Steam

1) Start Steam as Administrator and login.
2) Start the with “UltimateChickenHorse.exe” as Administrator.
3) Accept the invite via Steam.
4) Enjoy the game.

